Monday, February 21, 2011

Pakistan's Moment

Mr. Shahid Burki (KT Opinion “Pakistan’s Egypt Moment”) paints a very dismal yet quite realistic picture of Pakistan’s prevailing socio-economic crisis. The sordid and self-centered rulers of Pakistan since its creations and their inept governance today have pushed the country to the precipice of complete meltdown. Definitely a revolution seems imminent and could not be timed more perfectly. It has become more of a necessity than a mere possibility.

However, unlike the Egyptians or Tunisians, Pakistanis are much more diverse and divided when it comes to political ideology and democratic views. Much of this is credited to the ominous success of the various political parties, a dominant feudal system and poignantly regional and provincial differences. Differences are so strong that when it comes to safeguarding their identities and ideologies they leave no barrier broken and no limits crossed even disregarding humanity and sensibility. Also, unlike Egypt and Tunisia, a revolt against a military dictator seems much more plausible than against a complete political and democratic regime.

Nevertheless, UNITY was the core and essential element that drove a whole country to abrogate their decades of misery. Likewise, the only practical and possible element that could unify and combine the tragically diverse mindset of the people of Pakistan is ‘Religion’ and Faith. It is by far the only conjugational element left within each Pakistani that somehow links and bonds them together. This is no way a suggestion that an Islamic votary and his followers take up arms and start upon a killing spree. Nor is this to be confused or even fused with the idea of Islamic Militancy. These actions are in no way related to the basics of our religion. Those that do indulge in them are a mere manifestation of any other terrorist.

Though the experts do not predict such a revolt, however Pakistan being an Islamic Republic does have the will and history to rise with their religion and change the course of the waves.
This blog featured in KT Letters to the Editor, 22nd Feb, 2011

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