Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stalled Mid East Talks

The Middle East peace talks have stalled, yet again. The Obama administration has blatantly accepted its failure in continuing the peace efforts it started twenty months back. It does not surprise since it was only a matter of time that another deadlock to the peace efforts came into place.

The Israeli government is hell bent on colonizing the shrinking patches of land left to the Palestinians, paying no heed to the international calls, and uses its military brute force to contain any resistance.

The US has been unable to counter it, either willingly or unwillingly. Will the US be able to crack the nut and restart a fresh series of talks? Will it be able to drag both parties to agree on common ground? The answers to such questions remain skeptical.
The Obama administration’s inability to contain the Israeli demographic clock - that had been waiting to start ticking - is yet another glimpse of ingrained bias in US politics, which remains the prime factor in discontinuing the peace process. The unwarranted political support towards Israel and US media that tends to be more pro-Israeli than pro-Arab makes it highly unlikely that US will ever be seen as an even-handed peace broker. Moreover, the plights of the 1.3 million Palestinians who are left in a virtual prison in the Gaza strip have been ignored in every aspect making matters even worse. Their refusal to negotiate with a democratically elected Palestinian government (Hamas - which was elected in the 2006 elections prompted by the US but later rejected it when it did not like the results) makes the peace efforts look half-hearted and half dealt. Though it is not hard to estimate the difficulty of the task Obama has in hand, one feels the US is trying to merely tackle the issue for the moment. Whether they succeed in developing yet another temporary solution or a lasting one remains to be seen. However, the current motives do not predict any changes in the Middle East peace process.

The above blog appeared in Khaleej Times Letters to the Editor on 18th Dec, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Leak-gate an Eye-opener

The latest documentation dump by Wikileaks representing the massive sampling of the daily traffic between the US State Department and some 270 embassies and consulates, truly serve as an eye-opener for a common man deluded by the mainstram events around the globe. It is true that many of the revealed secrets do not reveal BIG secrets.
Many of these might already be lingering in the back of our minds; however they shed palpable light on the nature of the US foreign policy and its imperial intrigue. It should be not be surpriseing that the US State Department has turned into a vast net of spies, collection information not only on personnel but also important miliatry locations. This turns to depict how the US seeks to safegaurd its influence in other countries.

It may make the world dislike the US a little bit more. Authentic evidence substantiating the cover aims of the US administration have been disclosed and laid bare for the common man to contemplate and ponder.
The US, ostensibly fumed over the exposure of these ominous leaks and weighing up the inherent damage, has issued statements opposing the act of illegally obtaining the cables and publishing them with no regard to the threat it would pose to it's international relations and operations.
Though, in principle, the very act of stealing secrets and confidential documents is wrong, the US has been involved in criminal activities in Iraq and Afghanistan on a massive scale. It thus becomes equally essential for organisations (such as Wikileaks) to present to the world a clear and vivid understanding of these operations.
It is also shameful that the mainstream media did not bring these to forefront. The US administration has already initiated the recovery program and this time around it is making efforts to ascertain the halting and derailing of any such 'leaks' in the future.
The US foreign policy, which is in the limelight for the past few days' courtesy Wikileaks, will not deter much in wake othese events. The administration and policies are intrinsically well entrenched to be shaken off easily.

The above post also features in Khaleej Times 'Open Space' on 3rd Dec, 2010 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Self-Realization - The Need of the hour

A beholder may only develop a palpable perspective; but to establish the true judgment he needs to ponder.

There have been quite a few theories floating around regarding the devastating floods that have razed and ravaged more than a quarter of the nation. A horde of environmentalists’ have blatantly, and rightly, accused the expansive of use of fossil fuel by every individual all over the world in degenerating the global climate thus resulting in global warming. One of the aftermaths of this global warming, they suggest, is “high frequency of heavy precipitation events over most land areas”. The according judgment that firmly binds the above statement as a measurable argument is a simple principle. Warm air holds more moisture than cold air thus there is more suspended moisture during warmer seasons (and as the earth gets warmer, there is a higher content of moisture in the air) and periodically falls to the ground.

Although a scathing review of our lifestyle, yet undeniably true. The finger points directly to each one of us and our mundane course of life that is accustomed to the heavy use of locomotives and an even heavier use of lower grade gasoline. However, this is just an aspect of our daily lives that has directly constituted towards such a reckoning. In the last decade draughts, earthquakes and floods have razed havoc across Pakistan, yet each time we successfully deduce an inane reasoning to justify natures work and forget to judge the innate reason behind.

A wider perspective of all such tragedies that have befallen us is to scrutinize our entire daily lives and not just one aspect of it. We all collectively believe, without any recourse that any such calamity is from the Almighty alone. No denying that. It is with His Command alone that any great fortune be bestowed on us or a great calamity befalls on us, and all such elements traverse to form a chain leading to the event. What have we done that sparked such a staunch warning from Allah?

Allah had blessed us and our forefathers with pride, honor, dignity and freedom in form of Pakistan. With great scarifies was a land created in the name of Islam, where Muslims would practice Islam in light of the Divine Law (Quran) and spread the message forward without any hindrances. Groom and nurture our generations under an Islamic dominance, cultivate the social and moral practices of Islam into our lives. Pakistan became the only nation created on the basis of religion and not any racial decorum.

Unfortunately we have exuberantly failed in accomplishing any of that. The land of Muslims has been transformed into a war-waging land of terrorists and religious fanatics. Our social and moral values have degenerated to such as extent that in no way do we depict an Islamic society, let alone a human society. Social intolerance and crimes like theft, robbery, and extortion are at an all time high. Moral dignities and values are long lost and forgotten such that domestic violence and disturbance has become a norm. We have disfigured the actual image of Islam moved far away from its teaching and molded them to befit our needs. We, as a nation, have failed collectively. It is not just a handful of individual who are to be held accountable, we are in it altogether. Each one of us has his/her own share in bringing such calamities upon us. The finger points directly to each one of us and our mundane course of life.

The first and foremost thing is ‘self-realization’. A man can starve from self-realization as much as from bread. We all are guilty of our own share for the present condition, and we must realize it. We all contribute, knowingly or unknowingly, in conniving to the entire plot. We need to realize and set ourselves straight. Just as we would walk shorter distances to avoid the unnecessary burning of gasoline and filling the atmosphere with more carbon dioxide or car-pool with friends. Similarly, we need to rectify our individual acts. Turn towards our intrinsic values, be more inclined towards our religious duties, and be mindful of right and wrong. Repent, seek forgiveness and learn from such incidents.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Credit Card Mayhem

I boastful claim of my achievement that I have quite successfully hindered myself from the tempting attractions of the single great menace that has swept the entire financial community into deep damaging crunches and meltdown. CREDIT CARDS. So severe were its repercussion that the resurgence was often seen next to the birth of Jesus.


However, the times have changed. And with ‘Change’ comes ‘Great Change’. Often so great, that if one precludes understanding its significance and neglects molding in time in its accordance; he is left far outside the arena of social advancement.

‘Adaptability’ has becomes the prime characteristic of the modern age men and women. Mixed along with a few random elements of ‘Understanding’ & ‘Durability’ – you have yourself a perfect recipe to engage the 22nd Century.

After a long sabbatical from the ‘Credit Card World’ I have finally given in. The change was so great and compelling that my obstinate mentality finally yielded. The harrowing experience of having a credit card in US during my undergraduate studies has haunted me ever since. Though I had made myself a valiant pact and never to return or covet for it. The current circumstances have slightly softened the iron – red enough to mold it.

After long and poignant debates I finally abet the crime. I agreed on getting myself a Credit Card. However, I put forth a few stringent rules that need to be abide in order to suffice the craving.

Rule # 1 – NO INTEREST. It strikes to me as the first and foremost duty as a Muslim to keep my earning away from Interest. Though I am not a financial expert – and I am thankful to Allah about it – I am very much convinced regarding the operations of Islamic Banks. The difference is subtle and fine. It’s the same difference that exists between a belief of a Muslim in Allah and of a Christian in God.

I would like to quote the Quranic verse here regarding Interest:
“Those who spend their wealth secretly and openly by day and night, will have their reward with their Lord, and they have nothing to fear nor grieve. But those who devour interest become like the one whom Satan has bewitched and maddened by his touch They have been condemned to this condition because they say, "Trade is just like interest”, whereas Allah has made trade lawful and interest unlawful Henceforth, if one abstains from taking interest after receiving this admonition from his Lord, no legal action will be taken against him regarding the interest he had devoured before; his case shall ultimately go to Allah. But if one repeats the same crime after this, he shall go to Hell, where he shall abide forever. Allah deprives interest of all blessing and develops charity; and Allah does not like an ungrateful, sinful person”
(Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 274-276)

Rule # 2 – USE THE CARD ONLY WHERE A CARD NEEDS TO BE USED. People usually feel might strong (financially) when they possess credit cards. They transform into ‘Money-Spending-Superman’ sprouting their credits cards at the first sniff of expense. Collecting reward points, airway miles and cashing in on inane discounted offers (5% off on every purchase of 5000. I never really understood how could one ever fall for such deals?). Sliding the colorful card up and down the machine, signing off receipts living in a vaunting air of superiority of the priceless spending power they had always yearned for.

Not soon they are struck with the reality of life. After a month of lavish spending they realize that they still have not collected enough airway miles to fly them from their house to their office, nor are the reward points sufficient enough to redeem them, so they still have to pay for their groceries. On top of that, they stand aghast when they are told by their banks that they need to pay additional 3.999999% (not 4% - wow what a relief!) on their entire spending since you cannot repay all of it this time. They wake up only to find themselves completely submerged in the pool of de(a)bt(h).

Rule # 3 – NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE CUSTODY TO BE GIVEN TO YOUR WIFE. The less it is spoken about, the better and clearer it is!!!

With these three rules up and standing I assent to yet another charm of our socially advanced society. As one of my friend says: “Dude, today the years are so advance that you say 20 before 10”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The US Occupation and the Afghan Wealth

The East India Company, initiated as a trading company to pursue trading with the East Indies but ended up trading primarily with Indian sub-continent and China. It started its trading business in early 1600 and had sought after trading all the valuable natural resources of these lands from silk, cotton, indigo, dye, saltpetre, tee and even opium to the European lands up until 1757 when the Company Rule in India began. The company itself was dissolved in 1874 owing to the Indian Rebellion and the British Raj took over.

"The United States has recently discovered untapped natural mineral deposits worth nearly $1 trillion", says a report by New York Times. The reserves are so vast that it could "fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and the war itself". So much so an internal Pentagon memo suggests that the Central Asian country could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium,” a precious raw material used in the making of batteries for laptops and mobile phones.

The Russians were aware of this fact and they, along with some Afghan Geologist, during the 1960's had put in great effort to discover these natural resources. Alas, this finally puts in place the real motive of USSR's Afghan-War in 1979. They might have intended to forcefully occupy the poor and barren land to fill their monetary aims. However, a more resilient and rugged Afghan rebels had a fighting reply to their incursion.

Of course, one cannot omit the vast and generous clandestine support of the United States in driving the Soviets out of Afghan. They had poured in numerous weaponry along with financial aids to counter the Russian onslaught. And they had with them the 'ever-abiding' and truly loyal ally, Pakistan.

One ponders the extreme generosity exhibited by the Americans and Pakistanis towards an utterly poor, backwards and extreme stubborn nation like Afghanistan. What vested interest could they possibly have in rescuing them from the Soviets. Was it out of compassion and humanitarian ethics to save an oppressed nation at the hands of Soviets. Or was it out rivalry against the number 2 World Power. Or probably was it because the US had other, and better, plans for a war torn country.

After successfully ridding the Soviets out of Afghanistan, the US embarked on a similar yet more conspiring mission in the Central Asian country. Under the banner of 'War-on-Terror', the United States along with support from NATO barged into Afghanistan and upset the balance of power, overthrowing their only opponent - Talibans. The Taliban were the key in countering the Russian invasion and had gradually gained power as the dominant force in Afghanistan since the exit of the Russian forces. During their seven year rule in Afghanistan, they had enforced a 'Perfect' Shariah system. Though, many anti-Muslim critics have condemned their rule and bolstered enormous accusations against some of their policies, however, the facts were far from the truth.  

The US had sought the opportunity and yielded in. Of course, yet again, they could not have been successful in their campaign without the humming support of their closest and utterly disliked ally, Pakistan. The  current US occupation in Afghanistan is showing reminiscence of the colonization of the sub-continent by the East India Company.

Though, undeniably, the driving motive for the staunch US occupation in Afghanistan could be to evade the terror threat posed by Al-Qaeda. However, one cannot negate the fact that exploiting the 'Afghan Riches' would not have been possible with the Taliban sitting on top of them. They needed pro-US government and policies that would favor their stakes in the indigenous wealth of that country.

It has been nine years since the US military occupation started its devious efforts under the covert war, they have met more remorse than success. And since now it has become more evident that the wealthy Afghan soil is potent enough to emerge as one of the most influential mining centers of the world, the war will see a more difficult route ahead. Out-numbered and out-classed by a high tech  and sophisticated weaponry, the Afghans have always thought of the US occupation as an illegle incursion into their land but now it becomes a matter of personal prestige, pride and honor to secure the blessed Gift from God onto their land.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Diet or DIE-IT!

Within the last few decades there has been countless discussions, arguments and debates regarding the perfect dietary lifestyle to follow in order to achieve perfect health. Consequently, people around the globe have been flummoxed into pondering which diet plan to follow?what sort of foods to be taken? how regularly should one eat?

With the advent so these questions lingering around peoples minds, especially those people who are so inspired by the present 'size-zero' models or those who munch on crunchy chips in their body-tight track suites watching Aerobic workouts on televisions, the debates and arguments have yielded enormous types of diet-plans . Atkins-Diet plans, 1800-Calorie-A-Day diets, Low-Carb Diets and the list is endless.

I do not question the practicality or effectiveness of these diet-plans, since they have been engineered by professionals, however, I have seldom met anyone who has actually benefited by following any one of these diet regimes. The most prominent reason being that people are unable to regularly keep-up with these diet plans. Either they are too complex for a common man to comprehend and keep-up or they seem too harsh a punishment for one who is accustomed to enjoying the 'sweet' delicacies of life.

It is evident that dedication to any such diet-regime is a must but how can one deny himself the luscious pleasures of a hot, baked, cheesy pizza or even a mouth-watering, juicy, well-seasoned double beef burger with extra cheese dripping from the sides along with large freshly fried soft and tender French Fries and an Up-sized ice-cold Pepsi.

Other, and equally important, reason is that after, more-or-less, successfully trimming into shape, people switch back to their original dietary habits and gain more than what they had shedded off. And when they urge themselves to revert back to their diet-plan they are unable to. Annoyed and frustrated, they unleash the hungry beast inside them craving for those scrumptious meals they had been denying themselves. Consequently, people around them noticing the abrupt change often ask: "I thought you were trying to get into shape?" To which they confidently reply: "I am. The shape I've selected is a triangle!"
People usually question, "Should we cut down on eating meat and take more fruits?" Ever heard of Logistical-Efficiencies. Well, here is an example, What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Need to add green leafs in your diet? Beef is  a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable).

I always believe one should eat whatever he desires. Eating is a leisure that God has bestowed unto us and one should not deprive himself. However, there is this thing called 'balance'. A balance should be maintained in almost every aspect of your lifestyle, even eating. If you off-set that balance you are bound to title the equilibrium on either end and the further it tilts the harder it gets to put it back in place. Instead of following any particular diet-plan, it would be essential to make one yourself. You know what you need to eat and how much. One should Eat to Live not Live to Eat

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dr. Mukhtar Mai

Recently Laurentian University of Canada has decided to award Mukhtar Mai with an honorary doctorate degree in recognition of her services for promoting education to girls and broadening the process to improve women’s right in Pakistan.

Mukhtar Mai is just one of the many women victims that have survived the brutal social malaise that is inherent in Pakistan’s rural communities. A victim of gang rape as a form of honor revenge. By custom, such women, especially in rural societies, commit suicide or bury the incident within them to avoid shame and disgrace; instead she defied all odds and spoke up against the ruthless and inhumane form of justice which carried out this gruesome act to avenge the honor of other tribe.

Though her case is still held up with Pakistan Supreme Court, her bravery and courage has certainly collected accolades and acknowledged globally. She was rewarded for her bravery and turned her tragedy into opportunity for women and girls and set up Mukhtar Mai Women’s Welfare Organization to promote education in view towards raising awareness to prevent future honor crimes.

Mukhtar has deeply offended the local feudal elites by championing the poor and pointing out the degree to which corruption protects the elites when they rape or abuse poor women. It’s no secret that some of those feudal families would like to see Mukhtar put in her place, even killed. Despite all this she is still steadfast on her mission.

It is vital for us to appreciate her in her cause, as the international community is doing, and lend her the helping hand in creating awareness among our people of the true status of women and their rightful place in our communities and lives. Without this we would be looming in darkness and prospects for our generations to come shall falter as the remaining half of our society (women) will remain deprived of the moral and social necessities of life.

The Israel Lobby

The US on Thursday (10th June, 2010) issued a statement that is has deep and binding interest in Israel security, confirming yet again their undaunting and unwarranted support for Israel. Their clandestine approach in denouncing the inhumane act by the Israeli forces on board the Gaza flotilla earlier this month is an outright show of the authority and influence of ‘The Israeli Lobby’ that exists as strong as ever within the United States and governs not only the state itself but practically dictates its foreign policies, especially Middle East.

One might assume that the unwavering support for Israel is based on mutual strategic interests; instead it is an imperative derivative of the powerful functioning of the Israeli Lobby (such as AIPAC), which actively steer the US foreign policy in favor of Israel. Covertly commanding almost every institution from Newspapers, News Channels, and Educational material in universities and colleges to top ranking officials in Congress and even in Capitol Hill, this coalition of individuals and organization has embossed on the US minds that their security is heavily dependent on the political and economic support to Israel’s existence.

Also, it has shaped the idea that both the countries are facing a common terror threat, and thus their mutual collaboration against that common enemy in ever imminent in countering it. This claim has the casual relationship backwards. The US has a terrorism problem in good part owing to its support for Israel and not the other way round. Though it is not the only source of anti-American sentiments across the globe, it is yet an important one and many terror organizations are motivated with Israel’s presence in Palestine and the US’s inability to resolutely condemn Israel, as it does for any other country.

Rest assured, the terrorist organizations that threaten Israel do not threaten US except when in intervenes against them. Moreover, the so-called Palestinian terrorism or Hamas activities are random violence directed against Israel or West; it is largely a response to Israel’s prolonged campaign to colonize the West Bank and Gaza strip, who believe that they have no other way to force Israeli concessions.

The US must realize that its uncalled support for Israel would not only jeopardize its own security but that much of the rest of the world. In order for it to portray itself as a true world power and leader it has to shun away such influences among its quarters and develop a prospective that is just and unbiased.